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Xenos Quires Terms of Service.
The following are the Terms of Service (ToS) for �Xenos Quires� maintained by the Xenos Quires Team (XQ).
These terms are not fixed and may be changed at anytime.
If major changes to the ToS are made, it will be announced to everyone as soon as it is made.
It is the player�s responsibility to be aware of and to comply with the ToS at all times.
Action will be taken if a player fails to comply with the ToS.
Each individual is allowed only one account.
Anyone who is found to have multiple accounts (�multis�) will have all of the accounts involved deleted or jailed immediately without warning.
Each person is responsible for their account and will be held responsible if their account is used to break any rules.
(Do not give out your sign in information for any reason.)
Censorship and Decency
Xenos Quires is not censored. Verbally harassing any player or staff is considered childish behavior,
and it will reflect on what kind of person you are.
XQ staff holds the right to ban you from chat or the message boards if you repeatedly use this kind of behavior,
especially if you have been warned before to stop.
Every player is expected to act with a level of decency. Respecting other players is key.
XQ staff will not tolerate anything beyond their own moral limits.
Clan Censorship
Decency laws do not apply to clan sections, as these parts are unavailable to non-members.
What is and is not appropriate in some situations is up to the clan staff to decide.
The XQ team will not be held responsible for information being passed within a clan.
Clan Ownership
Everything within a clan can be considered property of the owner of the clan.
Clan members may only use perishable items with consent of the owner.
Any member who steals from a clan will be punished.
If a clan is left without an owner it will be deleted or, if there is interest, auctioned off to the higest bidder.
Game Rules
Players agree to follow all of the game rules set down by staff. Violation will result in punishment.
The game rules can be found by following the game rules link on the left hand side.
Deleting Your Account
Players who no longer wish to play XQ anymore may have their account deleted by request,
though accounts will automatically be removed if inactive for 30 days.
User Generated Content
Anything posted by a player (phrases, pictures, etc.) through the message boards, through chat,
or through y-mail does not reflect the views of Xenos Quires.
Although we monitor the exchange of information to enforce our rules,
in no event is XQ liable or responsible for anything that happens because of the material that is posted.
XQ reserves the right to edit, delete or refuse anything posted that violates these ToS agreements and revoke the rights of any violators.
A special thanks to Strife for his contribution to our ToS.
>Blankrider - Blast from the past! >Darklighter - it's about time >Malikie - Nuh uh..I've allways had this much gold..>_> >Darklighter - Gold will be fixed some time tonight, be patient and don't use any gold until then thanks >Darklighter - hey Dre, data's ok, Dark Wind will fix it all back. Be nice to him >{~TRC~}Lt. Ragnarok - Well... except for maybe one or two people. <_< Some have it in their banks already.
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